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This is the music archive page of Jihye CHUNG. She has not limited the activities in classical music to events on the stage. You can find her various activities in the broad area of classical music. 

Concert in the Gallery Hofmannschen Gut in Dresden
(Young Composers and Young Performers)


In 2018, Jihye CHUNG has invited to the concert, "Junge Komponisten - Junge Interpreten" (English: Young Composers and Young Performers) in the Gallery Hofmannshen Gut in Dresden (Germany) for celebrating the 20th anniversary of the gallery). You can find the information of the anniversary on a webpage of a regional German daily newspaper, Sächsische Zeitung (English: Saxon Newspaper) and the picture is the DVD cover of the concert.

Collaboration with Deborah Kang

In 2021, Jihye CHUNG has collaborated with a renowned violinist, Deborah KANG for a music book of Deborah KANG, 강드보라 바이올린 클래식 콘서트 (English: Violin Classic Concert with Deborah Kang). If you want to find the information of book or collaboration, click the image of the book cover or the Youtube video box.

[MR/반주] '강드보라 바이올린 클래식 콘서트' 반주 음원

[MR/반주] '강드보라 바이올린 클래식 콘서트' 반주 음원

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